What WordValue can do

WordValue automatically searches a whole list of words in a text and counts how often the search words occur in the text. It maps your own pre-defined values (e.g. historical origin) onto words in texts and colour-codes the search words in context following a customizable colour scheme. This permits a quick impression of the distribution of words with similar features relative to each other.

Possible applications

Since the mapping process is so flexible, WordValue can be used for very different types of task, such as the computational analysis of literary texts or for supporting language teachers in the selection of appropriate texts for their pupils. Based on a spreadsheet with vocabulary items and lesson number, the software can automatically mark all the words that learners should have acquired at a particular moment, with different colours for different stages.


The software WordValue was jointly developed by Christina Sanchez-Stockhammer (TU Chemnitz) and Johannes Tochtermann (LMU Munich) with financial support by LMU Munich, which we gratefully acknowledge.

Please refer to WordValue in the following way:
Sanchez-Stockhammer, Christina & Tochtermann, Johannes. 2022. WordValue (Version 1.4, July 2024). Munich: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität. Accessible at www.wordvalue.gwi.uni-muenchen.de .

Find out more about WordValue in:
Sanchez-Stockhammer, Christina & Johannes Tochtermann. 2021. "WordValue: Simultaneous corpus searches and information mapping on words in context." In: Busse, Beatrix, Nina Dumrukcic & Ruth Möhlig-Falke (eds.), Language and linguistics in a complex world: Data, interdisciplinarity, transfer, and the next generation. The International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English annual conference, May 20-23, 2020. Extended book of abstracts. Heidelberg University and Cologne University: KUPS. 66-70. https://kups.ub.uni-koeln.de/36462/1/ICAME41%20Extended%20Book%20of%20Abstracts.pdf.

If you would like to let us know about any publications or papers for which you have been using WordValue, please do so by writing to christina[dot]sanchez[at]phil[dot]tu-chemnitz[dot]de or johannes[dot]tochtermann[at]campus[dot]lmu[dot]de.

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